Clearing for new opportunities
Ever felt really stagnant in a room at home? Look around and see if the room needs some cleaning and clearing out! Sometimes in our home we have a spot where we just dump stuff and we don't ever clear or clean it up. Usually this space holds on to old stale energy in your room and when you enter that room you sort of feel exhausted or tired....this usually means its time to clean it up. Pick a day where you have some time on your hands and clean up the space, throw out items that you no longer need, especially items that have chips in them (unless they are sentimental of course). File or store items away in draws or cupboards. Dust and polish up the area, open the windows to allow fresh air to flow into the room and bring in brighter uplifting energy. Buy some flowers and put them in a vase to display in the room, then light a candle and place a good intention to the room, this will allow the room to fill up with new opportunities and make you more energised in your space.